
News / Blog: #media

Send out press releases - What are the alternatives?

03/11/2024 | By: FDS

1. Use social media channels: Using Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and other social networks, companies can send news and announcements to a wide audience quickly and inexpensively.

2. Email marketing: email marketing can be an effective and inexpensive way to send press releases. It allows companies to send their news directly to a list of subscribers.

3. Publications in trade journals: publishing a press release in a trade journal allows the company to reach a large audience. Trade journals allow companies to send their message to a specific audience.

4. Press offices: A press office can help a company send its press release to a wide audience. Press offices can also help establish contacts with media representatives and identify appropriate media channels through which to send the press releases.

5. Online press releases: Online press releases allow companies to post their news on a variety of websites to reach a wide audience.

Our alternative: The Media & PR Database 2024.

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A good PR photo should meet these criteria

03/06/2024 | By: FDS

1. It must be a professional, high quality photo.

2. It should be a photo that stands out from the rest and leaves a memorable impression.

3. It should be a photo that fulfills the purpose of the PR photo: to attract the public's attention.

4. It should be a photo that can be easily resized for use in different media.

5. It should be a photo that is well composed and well lit.

6. It should be a photo that is tailored to the audience it is aimed at.

7. It should be a photo that conveys a positive message and connects with the brand.

8. It should be a photo that responds to the current zeitgeist.

9. It should be a photo that leaves an emotional impression.

10. It should be a photo that is legally sound.

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Starting your own expert business - How do I find the right niche?

02/27/2024 | By: FDS

1. Start by analyzing your interests, skills and experience. Make a list of the things you are good at, the things that interest you, and the things you enjoy most.

2. Look for connections between your interests, skills, and experiences. Identify your core competencies and look at what issues and problems you can solve with them.

3. Research areas where your specific skills are in demand. Look at what needs there are in the industry and what niches are not yet filled.

4. Think about what kind of expert you want to be. Decide whether you want to be an online or offline expert and what topics you want to offer.

5. Get a picture of your competition. Which experts offer similar services? What makes you different?

6. Use social media to build a presence and establish your expert status. Be active, network and build a community.

7. Create a business plan. Define clear goals and strategies for your expert business and think about your financial resources.

8. Use your networks to make contacts and publicize your expert business. Build a customer base through word of mouth and referrals.

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Earn 10000 euros and more per month with a handful of customers - thanks to correct positioning

02/26/2024 | By: FDS

It is possible to earn more than 10,000 euros per month with a handful of customers if you apply the right positioning. This can be achieved through an effective pricing model and by offering a wide range of services.

The pricing model can be designed to add value to customers and make them feel that they are getting something for their money. This can be done by offering different packages with different prices and services to give customers a wider range of options.

The range of services should be broad so that customers have a wide selection from which to choose. To achieve this, different combinations of the different services can be offered.

To attract more customers, it can also be helpful to launch online campaigns to draw attention to the offer and the company. This can be done by using different social media channels, email marketing and other forms of online advertising to reach more people.

Another important step to attract more customers is to create a stronger brand awareness. This can be done by taking various steps such as creating a website, developing a professional logo, and designing promotional materials that represent the company.

In this way, companies can achieve a positioning that allows them to attract more customers and earn more than 10,000 euros per month with a handful of customers.

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Content is King - Why you should create articles to convince potential customers about you

02/23/2024 | By: FDS

Content is an important element in online marketing. It's a way to attract potential customers and convince them that your company is the best choice for their needs. Articles and blogs are a great way to create relevant content and build a stronger connection with your potential customers.

Create articles to demonstrate your expertise. By creating articles that highlight your products, services, and industry, you can prove to potential customers that you are the expert in your field. You can convey a sense of your company and convince potential customers that you are the right person to contact when it comes to their needs.

Spread your brand by creating articles. Posting articles on a regular basis about a specific topic or your industry will give your business more visibility. Sharing your content on social media and other online platforms will help you spread your brand and reach more people.

Promote more traffic to your website by creating articles. By creating high-quality content, you can drive more traffic to your website. This traffic can turn into more sales and revenue when potential customers buy your products or services.

Finally, articles rank well with search engines. If you use good SEO strategies, you can optimize your articles so that they rank better with search engines. This way, you can reach more people looking for information about your business.

Overall, content marketing is an essential part of online marketing. By creating high-quality articles and blogs, you can attract more potential customers, generate more traffic to your website, and increase awareness of your brand.

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