
Knowledge Base

How to gain more contacts with your newsletter

12/05/2022 | By: FDS

1. Use social media to promote your newsletter. Do this by creating posts, encouraging your followers to sign up and sharing your newsletter on platforms like Twitter, Facebook or Instagram.

2. Include a call-to-action on your website and encourage your visitors to sign up for your newsletter. To do this, choose an eye-catching color combination and a clear, understandable headline.

3. Provide value to your readers: give your subscribers a gift, such as a free e-book, when they sign up for your newsletter.

4. Build a sign-up option into your emails. To do this, you can include a link in your emails that allows recipients to sign up for your newsletter.

5. Use an automated welcome program/onboarding to welcome and provide value to new subscribers.

6. Create a newsletter widget that you can embed on your website or blog to attract more subscribers.

7. Add a sign-up option to your newsletter via a QR code.

8. Create a video talking about your newsletter and encourage your viewers to sign up.

9. Ask your customers to recommend your newsletter to others.

10. Offer a bonus when new subscribers sign up for your newsletter.

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