
Knowledge Base

Confidence Interval

03/01/2024 | by Patrick Fischer, M.Sc., Founder & Data Scientist: FDS

A confidence interval is a statistical measure that indicates a range of values around an estimate, within which the true parameter is expected to lie with a certain probability. It is commonly used to express uncertainty in estimates or predictions.

Interpretation of Confidence Interval:

A 95% confidence interval means that in about 95% of repeated sampling, the true parameter is expected to fall within the interval. The interval provides a measure of how confident or uncertain we are about our estimate.

Calculation of Confidence Interval:

The general formula for a confidence interval is: \[ \text = \text \pm \text \times \text \]


Suppose we estimate the average of a population based on a sample. A 95% confidence interval might state: "We are 95% confident that the true average of the population lies between 68 and 72."

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