
21st Century Business Herald

The 21st Century Business Herald (also spelled Twenty-first Century Business Herald; abbreviation: 21CBH; Chinese: 21世纪经济报道) is a Chinese business-news daily newspaper published five times a week on weekdays in China. It was officially launched by Shen Hao on January 1, 2001 as a weekly newspaper, as part of the Nanfang Daily Media Group. In the following years the newspaper has spawned several news media outlets under its umbrella, including Moneyweek, 21st Century Business Review, Global Entrepreneur, and 21cbh.com. On November 17, 2016, the Southern Finance and Economy Omnimedia Group was established as China's first omnimedia group. 21st Century Business Herald was on that date simultaneously affiliated to the Southern Finance and Economy Omnimedia Group, together with relevant print media outlets, websites, radio and tv outlets, and social media outlets. ()

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Fischer | Data Science. ID: MEDIA:27400, Hinzugefügt: 17.02.2020, Zuletzt aktualisiert: 24.10.2024

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